Upcoming Events at The Shrine

First Friday Devotions
11:30am Mass
Followed by Exposition until 3pm and Atonement Prayers
Confessions at 1:30pm

Filipino Mass canceled this month
There is no Filipino Mass in January. Next Filipino Mass will be on February 2nd.

Traditional Blessing of Wine
St. John the Evangelist Feast Day
Traditional Blessing of Wine after Mass

Christmas Eve Mass
Christmas Eve Mass at 7pm
Followed by a Procession with Baby Jesus to the Nativity Set in the Pavilion.
Christmas Carols and Hot Cocoa!
The Christmas Novena starts.

Christmas Novena
Christmas Novena of Masses
The Novena starts on Dec. 24th at the 7pm Mass, the following Masses are at 11:30am.

Service of the Anointing of the Sick
Communal celebration of the Anointing of the Sick for those who have serious health issues.

Misa de la Virgen de Guadalupe
Misa en Español 4pm
Dedicada al la Virgen de Guadalupe
Bailes Regionales y música al terminar la Misa

Christmas Festival
Christmas Festival
Candlelight Carol Singing
Hot Cocoa & Cookies
Door Prizes
by the Nativity set in the Pavilion

Feast of the Immaculate Conception
11am Rosary
11:30am Mass
1:30pm Conference
3pm Chanting of the Litany of Our Lady

First Friday Devotions
11:30am Mass
Followed by Exposition until 3pm and Atonement Prayers
Confessions at 1:30pm

Fall Clean Up
Help the Shrine look beautiful for the Holy Days!
Bring your rakes, leaf blowers or weed wackers.
Lunch will be provided.